Use 'Blue Monday' as motivation to boost your career

Are you having a bad day today? If so, join the club. It is, after all, Blue Monday.

Based on calculations on a number of factors such as the weather, debt level and failing new year’s resolutions, the third Monday in January is perceived to be the most depressing day of the most depressing month of the year.

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Hang in there, though, because things aren't quite as doomy and gloomy as they sound.

Indeed, according to Corinne Mills, managing director of Personal Career Management and author of Career Coach: How To Plan Your Career And Land Your Perfect Job, there are steps you can take to beat the Blue Monday blues.

Corinne Mills

Work out what's not working

"First of all, you need to work out what's not working career-wise," says Corinne.

"Sometimes you just feel kind of fed up with your job - and supposedly these feelings are intensified on Blue Monday. But actually, it might be that your job kind of works but there's just something you're not too keen on, or someone at work has irritated you.