People are being urged to stop shaking hands because of coronavirus - here’s what to do instead

As the global coronavirus outbreak spreads, people are becoming increasingly concerned with how they greet each other.

Shaking hands is one of the world’s most common ways of welcoming someone.

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The traditional greeting is considered so important in Western cultures, that people are often judged on their shaking technique - after all, there’s nothing worse than clasping a so-called ‘dead fish’.

Coronavirus risk

But a growing movement on social media is urging people to stop shaking hands, and seek out alternative greetings, as medical experts confirm that coronavirus can be spread through close personal contact.

And the handshake is not the only greeting being discouraged. In France, officials have warned the public to avoid kissing each other on the cheek - a common way of showing affection on the continent - to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.

So what are the alternatives to handshakes?

Elbow bump

This simple greeting involves bending your arm and extending your elbow out towards someone else’s. The two elbows then tap lightly (similar to a ‘fist bump’) and the greeting is complete.

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