66 Wetherspoons staff have tested positive for coronavirus - affecting 50 pubs

Wetherspoons has insisted its pubs are still safe to visit (Photo: JPIMedia)Wetherspoons has insisted its pubs are still safe to visit (Photo: JPIMedia)
Wetherspoons has insisted its pubs are still safe to visit (Photo: JPIMedia)

A total of 66 workers employed by JD Wetherspoon have tested positive for coronavirus, the pub chain has confirmed.

The company has said the infected staff are spread out across 50 of its pubs, although it has not announced which of its sites have been affected.

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Since it reopened on 4 July, Wetherspoons has seen around 32 million people visit its pubs. However, the chain, which employs more than 41,000 people, has said that the vast majority of its 861 locations have recorded no positive cases.

Forty of its sites have reported one worker testing positive for coronavirus, while six pubs have disclosed two. A further two pubs reported three staff testing positive, and another two sites confirmed four workers had the virus.

Wetherspoons has confirmed that 28 of the 66 workers affected have now returned to work after a 14 day self-isolation period. Those who were in close proximity to them have also self-isolated, and all staff were paid in full.

Despite the outbreak of cases, the chain has insisted that its pubs are still safe for customers to visit.