Motorist drove over traffic warden’s foot in ticket row

parking ticketparking ticket
parking ticket
A traffic warden was verbally abused and threatened in Colne before being run over by an angry dad after the man’s partner received a parking ticket, a court heard.

Aggressive Robert Robson (30), of Talbot Street, Colne, hurled insults at traffic warden Colin Coupe and shouted threats at him such as “I am going to sort you out” and “I will do you.”

Miss Tracy Yates, prosecuting, said Mr Coupe tried to inform the police after Robson originally threatened him but was told to call 101 if there were any further issues.

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Later that day he was recognised by two men, one of whom he recognised as Robson, who then walked towards him purposefully looking him in the eye before barging his right shoulder with full force.

Miss Yates said: “The blow did not knock him over but it did hurt and it was hard. When Mr Coupe informed him it was assault, Robson laughed and said ‘I’ll show you what assault is, I will knock you out with one punch’.”

As the victim walked across a car park towards the police station, Robson reversed out of a parking space at speed and looking at him over his shoulder and driving over his foot.

The court was shown footage of Robson’s outburst which was filmed on a body cam fitted to Mr Coupe.

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Robson, who has 13 previous offences on his record, admitted to the court his behaviour was unacceptable and admitted two counts of common assault.

The defendant, who was not represented by a solicitor, told the court: “I know I was out of order, I was very, very, abusive and I hold my hands up — it shouldn’t have happened.

During sentencing, bench chairman Lynn Kemp told Robson: “Frankly it could have been an awful lot worse if you had hit him properly.

“You were going at speed backwards to get out of the car park and I think the gentlemen is lucky you only ran over his foot.

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