16 years in jail for horror attack on Brierfield dad

TWO takeaway bosses and a worker responsible for a brutal armed attack on a Brierfield father who was “left for dead” have each been jailed for 16 years.

Mohammed Arfan (36) his brother Mohammed Nawaz (44) and Mohammed Javed (41) were all found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Asif Hussain (39) after a trial at Burnley Crown Court.

Mr Hussain, who has a teenage daughter, was battered with a hammer, hit with a hockey stick and knifed when the three men set upon him in Colne Road, Brierfield, on June 20th last year.

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Arfan, of Manchester Road, Nawaz, of Hardy Avenue, both Nelson, and Javed, of Burnley Road, Brierfield, were sent to jail for a total of 48 years for the attack which left Mr Hussain with a fractured skull and other life-altering injuries.

Sentencing, Judge Beverly Lund said: “This attack was pre-meditated, brutal and cowardly. The three of you were each armed with potentially-deadly weapons against one unarmed man.

“The attack happened in broad day light in Colne Road where there were pedestrians and moving traffic. None of this mattered to you.

“The arrogance was breath-taking. The description of the attack by eye witnesses was chilling. They described each blow delivered with full force crashing down on the victim’s body which quickly became motionless on the floor. That did not stop you.

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“Mr Hussain suffered extremely severe injuries. You ran away not knowing or caring if the victim was alive or dead.”

During the trial the court was told the trio had been in an escalating feud with Mr Hussain in the run-up to the attack.

The brothers, who run five branches of the Dixie Chicken takeaway franchise in Burnley and Pendle, and Javed were said to have jumped out of a car and set upon Mr Hussain. The victim was repeatedly hit with hammer blows to the head and body by his attackers who knifed him and beat him with a hockey stick before leaving him unconscious on the floor.

He was taken to hospital where he was treated for stab wounds, a fractured skull, a broken leg and puncture and slash wounds to his legs.

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