Fire services called out to blazing car in Padiham

The vehicle is enveloped in flames on Slade Lane in Padiham.The vehicle is enveloped in flames on Slade Lane in Padiham.
The vehicle is enveloped in flames on Slade Lane in Padiham.
Two fire engines have had to rush to the scene of a blazing car outside Padiham this morning, after the vehicle was seen rolling down the road whilst on fire before hitting a wall.

While the cause of the fire has yet to be established, a witness said that the Ford Focus set off rolling down Slade Lane heading into Padiham in 'a balls of flames' eventually crashing into a wall before fire services arrived.

John Taylor, of Lancashire Fire Rescue Service, said: "Two crews, one from Hyndburn and the other from Padiham, attended a Ford Focus just off the bypass on Slade Lane at 8:26. They used two hose reel jets to put the fire out, and there were no casualties."

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