1981 Lancashire nostalgia: Market petition, noisy pigs and women's hour in sex shop

Up and away... and a big sigh of relief from youth club officials as more than 100 gaily coloured balloons took off from Bamber Bridge Methodist Church. The club with the furthest-travelling balloon wins a cash prizeUp and away... and a big sigh of relief from youth club officials as more than 100 gaily coloured balloons took off from Bamber Bridge Methodist Church. The club with the furthest-travelling balloon wins a cash prize
Up and away... and a big sigh of relief from youth club officials as more than 100 gaily coloured balloons took off from Bamber Bridge Methodist Church. The club with the furthest-travelling balloon wins a cash prize
Life in Lancashire in 1981, plus your memories in pictures

Market stallholders hand over petition

Defenders of Preston’s outdoor Fish Market presented an 11,000 strong petition demanding that it be retained in its present form.

And that means that over 16,000 have signed pledging their opposition to plans to develop the historic market site into a shopping complex.

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